If you are suffering from pain & discomfort or are having mobility problems we are here to help.

Osteopaths specialise in the diagnosis, treatment, management and prevention of conditions that are due to problems with the joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles and nerves.

Chiropractors use muscle and skeletal manipulations to treat musculoskeletal conditions like sciatica neck and and head pain.

Physiotherapists use movement, exercise, manual therapy, and advice to to restore movement and function to people affected by injury, illness or disability.

Acupuncture provides a fast effective route to pain relief, through the use of fine needles inserted into trigger points in muscles.

Guided Ultrasound Injections
We offer a ‘one stop’ single-appointment assessment, scan, and ultrasound-guided injection service

Sports massages aren’t just for sports people. A sports massage can work for anyone that need to soothe, ease and mobilise a muscle at a deep level.

Shockwave Therapy the bodies healing response and can actually reverse degenerative change in certain chronic conditions.

Gait & Orthotics
Some lower limb problems may be caused by issues with your feet. In these instances we recommend that the patient has a gait analysis.
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About Us
We’re experienced, friendly, multidisciplinary practitioners with many years clinical experience, so the chances are we’ve seen and treated people with issues just like yours, many times. We provide personalised treatment plans based on current high quality research, best practice and clinical experience and when relevant use the latest technology.
If we can’t help however, we’ll be honest and let you know. We work closely with several local consultants and can refer you on to someone who can.