Philip founded Osteopath Covent Garden in 2008, now with four Central London clinics. Phil is also a Senior Clinic Tutor and final year examiner at The College of Osteopaths
Most known as an osteopath on the music scene and in political circles, he is with us at the Beaconsfield clinic on Monday and Thursday. He has been a reliable port of call for the Royal Opera House since the opening of his practice in Floral Street sixteen years ago, and has assisted international film productions since 2010. His main professional interests are migraine and its differentiation with headache, and dysfunction from the neck to the low back. He delivered a low back pain and sciatica treatment service for the NHS in Essex (2008-2012) and in Richmond upon Thames (2014-2015)
Depending upon clinical need and the preference of the patient, he can offer strong soft-tissue massage techniques alongside joint mobilisations and medical acupuncture. Patients welcome his friendly manner and skill in explaining the reasons for pain, putting them at ease through a straightforward explanation of their problem.
In his personal life his primary passion is Australian rock music, and he has been extremely fortunate to travel as an osteopath with some of his idols on their UK and Australian tours.