Joint and Muscle Pain in Pregnancy
When women are pregnant significant changes occur in their bodies both structurally and hormonally – I should know I’ve been through it four times!
If you are pregnant significant changes occur in your body both structurally and hormonally.
Our bodies change to adapt to the growing baby and to prepare us to give birth, but these changes mean that many of us experience back and joint pain amongst other uncomfortable symptoms.
And once you’ve given birth the stresses and strains of looking after a new born can take its toll on us too – our bodies are suddenly bending and twisting in a way that they are not used to, whilst our bodies are readjusting to life after pregnancy (just think of putting baby into a car seat) which can bring on all sorts of back shoulder and neck pain.
Osteopaths are trained to help relieve many of these symptoms and help your body prepare for the birth and beyond.
We get a lot of referrals from local mid wives and NCT teachers and our Osteopaths have done a lot of post graduate courses that focus on this area and worked in a clinic that focus exclusively on pregnancy and post natal problems.
Sarah has a special interest in Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP, formerly known as Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction or SPD) and is on the Pelvic Partnership expert practitioner list (for more information on the condition click here.)
Pregnancy Massage
If you are pregnant and have got to that stage where you’re uncomfortable and maybe can’t get a good night’s sleep or maybe you’re constantly suffering from aches and pains as a result of your pregnancy, you could probably use a specialist pregnancy massage.
We have osteopaths that offer pregnancy massages using a specialist pregnancy massage pillow that actually allows you to lie face down while being massaged!
You’ll walk away feeling rejuvenated and invigorated.
Other Osteopathy Services
Patients look for treatments in a wide variety of conditions including
Muscle Spasms
Joint Aches and Pains
Reptitive Strain Injuries
Headaches and Migraines
To book online click on the link below or call us on 01494 727859 (Amersham), 01753 362262 (Gerrards Cross/Chalfont St Peter) or 01494 416100 (Beaconsfield). If you need more information again, call us or use the contact form below